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Each project estimate is customized based on these industry-standard fee ranges for professional work. Prices reflect the individual writing fees associated with your project, but do not include research and copy editing services.

All prices are in US Dollars.

Last Updated: March 2022

Web Content and Other Online Copywriting ServiceFee Range
Site Content Audit and Report
Complete web content/SEO Review and Report with recommendations. Boost search rankings and conversions by finding gaps and opportunities.
Keyword Research
Identify top keyword opportunities in Google, etc. on specific topics.
Key Message Copy Platform
Get top results in all channels with a “master messaging roadmap.”
Home Page Content: SEO and Sales-conversion Copywriting
Set the stage for a great site experience that prompts conversions.
Category Page Update: SEO and Sales-conversion Copywriting
Rewrite the main web pages, such as About, Services, Subscribe, etc.
Product Page Update: SEO and Sales-conversion Copy
Generate more traffic and sales for each specific product or service.
Order Page/Shopping Cart Sequence
Reduce abandon rates due to confusion or too many steps.
New Page: SEO and Sales-conversion Copy
Use professional, compelling copy for all new products and services.
Banner Ad or Text Ad
Drive the most visitors to specific discounts or other promotion pages.
Online Sales Page for Single Promotion
Generate sales with a full sales promotion online, which can often be dozens of pages long.
$5,000-$8,500+ (plus royalties)
Lead-Gen Landing Page
This short-copy “squeeze” page can bring in massive leads and sales.
Boost sales on a super-specific website containing 2-5 pages.
Bring in SEO traffic with helpful content that’s 1200-2000 words.
Editorial Piece for Newsletter
Usually shorter than SEO/content articles, about 600-800 words.
“How-to” Guide or Tour
Provide helpful guides explaining how a product, service, or site works.
Press Release
Get attention from the media and drive additional site visits. Fee depends on the extent of research/interviews involved.
Blog Post
Single, topic-specific blog posts, written for readers and SEO. Includes discussing topic, doing research and/or interview(s), and copywriting. Does not include formatting in your blogging/web platform.
Blog Editorial Calendar and Post Series
Continuously generate new traffic with ongoing, strategic posts.

Pillar Post
Establish your brand as the authority with an all-encompassing guide on your specific subject, written for readers and SEO. (4,000 words or more)
Long-Form Video Sales Letter (VSL)
This long-form online sales video may be 20 or even 45 minutes long.
$5,000+ based on length/VSL
Short Online Video Script
1-5 minute “explainer,” demo, how-to, case study, testimonial, or short VSL.
Podcast Script
Make the most of this medium with captivating scripts/copywriting.
Answer common questions asked by customers (great for SEO)
Case Study
Problem-solution-outcome story up to 2 pages showcasing benefits of your products/services through a customer success story and facts/statistics, with customer testimonials.
White Paper (Special Report)
Attract email sign-ups/new leads with valuable, downloadable reports. Fee depends on length and the extent of research/interviews.
Provide highly useful information to customers via electronic guides.
Generate strong, “real-world” credibility for products or services.
Autoresponder/Funnel Emails (Series)
Deepen customer relationships and/or drive follow-up purchases.
Stand-alone Email
Reach out and grow sales with special promotions, invitations, more.
Maintain customer loyalty with regular issues filled with tips and offers. Includes discussing topic, doing research, and/or interview(s), writing content.
$900- $1,500/newsletter
Pay-Per-Click (PPC)/Adwords Campaign
Break through search clutter and drive traffic to specific online sales/landing pages.
Complete Site-Re-Design w/Copywriter Overseeing Content Flow
Ensure excellent usability, SEO, and messages in a site re-design. (Separate from page writing.)
$2,000-$5,000 for Copywriter Role
Training Script/Copywriting
Help customers use a website service or complete a task.
Teleseminar/Webinar Script
Ensure a smooth, successful presentation with a great script and slides.
Survey Wording
Get the most useful feedback from customers through great questions.
Competitive Analysis – more in-depth
Set the company apart from competitors with a detailed copy review.
Social Media Setup
Create an inviting page with robust ABOUT content, etc.
Social Media Management: Facebook, Twitter, and More
Consistently grow with posting/monitoring 1-2 hours/day, 5 days/week.
$1,500- $2,000/month
Social Media Ad Campaign
Attract Likes, Shares, and conversions with super-targeted social ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
Company Description: Google My Business, Other Review Sites, Directories
Make sure customers choose you in Google, Yelp, Angie’s List, others.
Table of Do-Gooder Copywriting’s Fee Schedule for web writing projects

We also provide offline copywriting services. The associated fee schedule is below.

Offline Copywriting ServicesFee Range
Direct Mail: Sales Letter Package
Simple: 1-2 page letter, envelope teaser, order device for subscription/information/product promo, backend promotion, acquisition list, brochure.

Complex: 4-10 page letter, envelope teaser, order device for subscription/information/product promo, backend promotion, acquisition list, brochure.
$2,000-$5,000+ (Simple)

$3,500-$8,500+ (Complex)
Direct Mail: Lead-Generation Package
Usually includes a 2-4 page letter, envelope teaser, order device/reply card, buckslip/insert for the offer.
Direct Mail: Renewal Series
Renewal letter/blanket renewal insert to retain or upgrade subscribers, members, product buyers.
Direct Mail: Magalog
This multi-page sales letter is presented in the form of a magazine or tabloid.
Direct Mail Newsletter-Style Self-Mailer
Grow leads, sales, registrants, etc. with an engaging piece.
Direct Mail: Postcard/Self-Mailer or Double Postcard
Stay in the “keep” pile of mail and prompt action.
Telemarketing Script
Make calls that are “welcomed,” leading to conversions.
Brochure (3+ panels)
Succinctly and clearly explain how a product/service benefits prospects.
Print/Space Ad
Captivate prospects with a strong, small-space ad.
Position a product/service as THE solution via a magazine-style article.
From scratch: $800-$1,500+

Editing a draft, varies by amount of editing: $400-$750
Trade Show Materials
Grab attention at busy shows with bold, customer-focused materials.
Radio Commercial
Stand out with a clever concept and copy for a 30 or 60-second spot.
Radio Direct-Response Commercial
Generate orders with an appealing direct-sale spot.
Store Sign/Poster
Add excitement to signs about special sale offers, trial offers, etc.
Stand out and drive sales with appealing coupon promotions.
Make the most of an arresting image and a short, powerful message.
Set the product apart with clear, clever package/label messaging.
This valuable skill helps companies avoid errors before publishing content.
OR 3-5 cents/word
Event Materials
Make an impression at sales meetings, awards banquets, etc.
Speech Writing
Get a standing ovation at business gatherings, fundraising dinners, etc.
How-to Guide (such as a Buying Guide) or “Tips” Booklet
Hand out helpful printed guides and booklets to customers.
Product or Program Naming
Develop a pipeline of excellent product name ideas and taglines.
Welcome Packet
Help members/subscribers understand all the benefits and how-to’s.
Copy Critique
Strengthen results with a professional review and recommendations.
Collateral Audit
Review company materials (all channels) to drive consistent results.
Marketing Strategy, Planning, Consulting
Improve outcomes with a fresh look at various marketing approaches.
Project-specific internet research for the data, market research, target audience motivations, quotes, and references that will make your project shine.
Table for Do-Gooder Copywriting’s Offline Marketing Services

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