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Cookie-cutter marketing strategies won’t help you out-market your capitalist-driven competitors. They’ll just make you blend in. Do-Gooder Copywriting works with you to develop and implement custom service packages tailored to your business, goals, and audience.

Digital Marketing for Social Impact and Profit

Effective digital marketing continues to offer purpose-driven businesses and organizations the best return on investment. Your audience spends hours online each day and they’re looking for answers. When your marketing strategy is working, you will be found by your audience and they will be moved to act, whether it’s clicking on a link to learn more or making a purchase.

Email, search engine optimization, and content marketing are just a few of the strategies where quality, not budget, dictates performance. The key to your success is in publishing a message that speaks to your audience’s motivation and uses psychological triggers to prompt them to take the next step.

Our specialties are:

SEO Web Copywriting

Claim your place in Google search results and attract your ideal customers! Effective copywriting combined with search engine optimization strategies work together to help your website content rank and persuade your audience to act.

Website Content Health Check-Up

Knowledge is power! Identify gaps in your website content marketing to make strategic improvements in your website visibility, sales, and customer experience.

Email Marketing

Cut through the noise and get noticed in your reader’s inbox. Compelling headlines and engaging words make your audience want to read more. We create high-performing e-mails and e-newsletters your subscribers will want to read and share!

Content Marketing

Position yourself as a thought-leader, build trust, and develop stronger customer relationships with content marketing. Value-focused blogs, case studies, and e-books give your prospects the confidence to work with you.

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